
My name is Vivek Singh.

I'm a Front-End Developer.

Vivek Singh

About Me

Hi! My name is Vivek. I'm a self-taught Web Developer from India, with 4+ years of experience of working in the service industry.

I've worked with React and Angular for most of my time. I like to explore and learn new technologies. At present, I'm learning Svelte and Golang. I also have a keen interest in UI/UX designing.

When I'm not working, I'm most probably day-dreaming, binge-watching YouTube, listening to music, trying to read a book, or playing my keyboard.


is Weird!
is Fun
is Awesome!
is Super-Awesome!!
is boring
is good
is Cool
is Grandpa
is Grandma
is Cool
is Amazing!


Have You Watched?

Made using React and TheMovieDB API.

Movie catalog application where you can browse and search for movies.

ReactTheMovieDB APITypeScript

Github Profile Card

Made using React and Github API.

A simple, light-weight web application to search for a user's profile on GitHub and view the basic info, presented in form of a card.

ReactGitHub API


Made using React and Material-UI and leverages a third-party API for the data.

It provides the current status of the spread of this pandemic, like the number of confirmed cases, recovered cases and deaths.
